Friday, December 21, 2018

To live egolessly ...

"To live egolessly is a journey that requires much patience, it is truly a long road, but with training the mind can become more accustomed to existing without creating as many images, attachments, and generally being less inclined to making expectations and judgments. Through the releasing of these attachments the mind becomes less burdened and is able to love more freely and live more happily. This is why so many sages say, if you want to be free, if you want to be happy, one must learn to let go. The attachments we release allow space for wisdom and unconditional love to blossom and flourish. 
Sending love to all beings. May we all understand that expectations cause tension and when we let them go we allow love to flow more easily. May we all be happy and free." 
Yung Pueblo @ yung_pueblo

Jälle arvamustest loobumise teema.

Jah, üldiselt on oluline positiivse minapildi loomine.

Aga nii palju parem on 'pildituna'.

Samas on kindlasti põhjus, miks selleni nii harva jõutakse ja üldse tahetakse jõuda.

Inimene ei taha valgustuda, ta tahab (hästi) elada.

Kuni me seda ära ei tunne, et me elame niikuinii, oleme võõrandamatu osa universumi tervikust ja kaome alles koos sellega, säilib ka neurootilisus.

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