Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Many people hold the unconscious belief that they cannot be happy until all of the pieces fall into place. Once I get that home, that job,…

"Many people hold the unconscious belief that they cannot be happy until all of the pieces fall into place. Once I get that home, that job, that car, that significant other—then I will be happy. Seeking for happiness outside ourselves, we disturb the peace that is always available in this moment. Words cannot convey the truth, and truth seems paradoxical. Life is inherently chaotic, and yet there is total harmony and perfection in this chaos. Think of all the forces that are at work—so many individual humans, animals, insects, fungi, bacteria, cells, and so on, all coexisting on this earth, vibrating, acting, living, influencing the whole web of life with each movement. If we consider the cosmic forces at work it paints an even bigger picture of chaos—weather systems, solar and planetary influences, electromagnetic fields, and so on. Everything is miraculously existing all together at once in each moment. How could we possibly think that we could control this infinite universe so that it meets every one of our desires and demands? Sometimes it just so happens that it does line up with our desires, but more often than not, our desires, our cravings, our seeking for something else, something more, something greater to give us satisfaction is the very movement of thought that disturbs our mental balance and peace. What we really desire is a state of non-desire. When we crave a new shirt, a new car, or a sweet bar of chocolate, we feel temporarily satisfied upon obtaining it, because the desire we had has been fulfilled. Yet, something new soon catches our attention, and once again we feel unsatisfied, we feel we must have that thing, whatever it may be. Really it is the feeling of being fulfilled and content that we desire, and as long as we seek this through things outside of us it will always be momentary and fleeting. If we see that no thing or circumstance will bring us lasting happiness, we can let go of the constant seeking, and we can relax into the peace of simply being right here, where we are, and as we are. Just as the parting clouds reveal the sun that was always there, the clearing thoughts reveal the peace of our being that never really left us." 🙏
JOSEPH. P. KAUFFMAN @ josephpkauffman

Ma ei väsi kordamast, et elu on nii kordav või peegeldav, et me ei saa mõnusat elu nii, et kõigepealt rabame ja siis on mõnus.
Ainus viis ehitada endale mõnusat elu on - hakata kohe täna elama mõnusat elu.
See on meie külgetõmbe- või peegelmaailma reegel.
Tõmbame ligi seda, mis me oleme ja mis meil on, mitte seda, mis me tahame olla ja saada.


väga väga naine said...

Tgelt see on kommetaar ühele paari päeva tagusele asjale, aga sobib siia ka.
Nimelt seal sa nöökisin seda, kuidas "kõik saab korda" ja et juba ongi ju korras, dohh.
Igasugune idee tulevikku viimine ütleb, et inimene ei vaata rahulikult ja hästi.
Aga mul huvitaval kombel ei ole üle raske aduda, et PRAEGU on kõik korras - aga mida endale lõputult korrata võin, on: "Kõik saab korda!" sest see sisaldab ideed, et kõik saab ka tulevikus korras olema ja ma üldse ei pea selleks maailma üles tõstma ega endal ajusid ninast välja pingutama, kõik veereb rahulikult ja hästi ja muretult ise ka. Maailm saab hakkama!

karikate emand said...

See on küll hea tähelepanek!