Friday, January 24, 2020

Just a human being

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says '"I am just a human being trying to make it in a world that is rapidly losing its understanding ofbeing human." -John Trudell-'

"I am just a human being trying to make it in a world that is rapidly losing its understanding of being human... The great lie is that it is civilization. It's not civilized. It has been literally the most blood thirsty brutalizing system ever imposed upon this planet. That is not civilization. That's the great lie, is that it represents civilization.

Every human being is a raindrop. And when enough of the raindrops become clear and coherent they then become the power of the storm. Everything that has ever happened to us is there to make us stronger.

No matter what they ever do to us, we must always act for the love of our people and the earth. We must not react out of hatred against those who have no sense.

The strength of the poetry as we enter into whatever it is we are entering into, will be determined by the clarity of the thinking we put into it. In the society of illusion, reality must manifest itself. Protect your spirit, because you are in the place where spirits get eaten.”

-John Trudell

Allikas: FB Ecological Consciousness

Ma olen kindel, et meil on võimalik luua maailm, mis on täis soovi mõista ja aidata inimesi meie kõrval. Maailm, kus pole soovi konkureerida või teiste arvel midagi saada, vaid kus teadlikult kõik toetab kõike.

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