Friday, January 3, 2020
Empty mind
What is the necessity of the constant mental chatter that so many of us experience?
Why is it that when we are not immediately engaged in something that we begin talking to ourselves in our minds?
What purpose does this mental self talk serve?
Have you ever noticed this constant mental chatter?
Have you noticed how your mind labels things as good or bad, right or wrong, this or that, etc.
Have you noticed how it judges your experience, defines it, and keeps you occupied with its talk?
Why does this psychological self keep on talking?
Because if it doesn’t, it no longer exists.
The self we entertain and constantly talk about isn’t really there, and the moment you stop this internal chattering it vanishes.
And that’s what we’re afraid of.
We’re afraid of losing our self.
Yet what is the self?
Where is it?
When you look for it, can you find it?
It’s the thing we talk about most and yet when you really look its nowhere to be found.
When you don’t look for it, you feel certain of its reality.
But when you do look, you can’t find it.
When you look, there is just quietness, just spaciousness, just the experience of whatever is happening here and now.
You come to the paradoxical conclusion that here I am, but I cannot find myself.
If you allow yourself to be here, without fearfully reintroducing the mental chatter, you’ll realize that life goes on perfectly without that psychological self always talking and trying to control everything.
Your body keeps functioning, your brain keeps working fine, nothing really changes except you now have a tremendous amount of inner spaciousness.
When your mind is empty, it becomes filled with reality.
You experience the ever-changing and ever-present moment of now.
Awake to what is here and now, with no need to define it, escape it, or change it, life becomes much more full and rich, and you become much more peaceful. 🙏
Foto ja tekst JOSEPH P. KAUFFMAN @
Asine meel püüab ennast pideva mõttepusa abil olevaks teha.
Meelt rahustada on raske, sest meele töö on reaalsust luua.
Aga meelest on võimalik kõrvale suunduda, pea tühjaks teha.
Meditatsioon on midagi, millega on tobe alustada, sest ... aega on niigi vähe ja kuidas me siis lihtsalt istume? Endal sada asja teha!
Me ei pruugi selle istumisega midagi saavutada.
Kuid see on ikkagi elutervem olek kui sahmimine.
Järjekindlus siiski loeb, et meditatsioon magusalt maitsema hakkaks...
Aga noh - uinakud on ka head :)
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