Saturday, January 4, 2020

By-by, baby..., baby go by

One way to get free of attachment is to cultivate the witness consciousness, to become a neutral observer of your own life. • The witness…


The witness is your awareness of your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Witnessing is like waking up in the morning and then looking in the mirror and noticing yourself — not judging or criticizing, just neutrally observing the quality of being awake.

That process of stepping back takes you out of being submerged in your experiences and thoughts and sensory input and into self-awareness.

Along with that self-awareness comes the subtle joy of just being here, alive, enjoying being present in this moment. Eventually, floating in that subjective awareness, the objects of awareness dissolve, and you will come into the spiritual Self, the Atmān, which is pure consciousness, joy, compassion, the One.

- Ram Dass

Allikas: Instagram @ babaramdass

Kui keegi teab, kuidas öeldakse budismis ja vaimsuses mõeldav "detachment" eesti keeles, siis öelge - ma olen nüüd tükk aega mõelnud ja mulle ei tule head sõna pähe.
Distantseeritus on ... kuidagi emotsionaalne ja hukkamõistev.
Lahusolek, enda lahus hoidmine, samastumatus, endaga samastumatus? :D Kõrvaltvaatamine, iseenda kõrvalt vaatamine? Kas on sõna, mis võtab need kokku?

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