Tuesday, September 4, 2018

We become love

"Love is freedom. Love is inviting our partner to be every bit of their imperfect selves. Love accepts that we don’t have it all figured out. Love is the safe space to make mistakes. 
Communicate what it is you TRULY feel. When we’re not speaking about what is REALLY going on it comes out in so many other ways. We cannot hide from our deepest truths. Love starts with setting ourselves free from the grips of all the unspoken words and buried truths. Once we get aligned with that space, love flows freely… because we become it." 
MARK GROVES @ createthelove


Magda Mniszek said...

Miłość jest bezpieczną przystanią do popełniania błedów! - pięknie napisałaś

karikate emand said...

Haha, it's a quote, tho!