Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Elemendid: metall

METAL 🍂 Autumn. A time of inhalation and exhalation. It is a time of letting go and making room for what is to come, just as the trees let go of their leaves in preparation for the following year’s growth and harvest. The decaying leaves put minerals and richness back into the soil. The air becomes clearer and purer as it becomes colder. We can breathe in more deeply than we can in summer’s heat. As Nature strips down to her roots and branches, so do we. We begin to reflect on the year as it shows its age, determining what is of value to us and what no longer serves. The Lungs and the Colon are the organsassociated with Metal. The Lungs affect our ability to take in (inspire) and the Colon is in charge of eliminating that which is impure. We see representations of the Metal element in the rocks and minerals of the earth, in the sweeping mountains that ascend to the heavens. We see it in the air that we breathe. Healthy and balanced Metal energy manifests in our ability to take in what we need (inhalation) and eliminate that which we don’t need (exhalation) We can feel our emotions but then let them go so that they do not weigh us down. We grieve without excess and there is balance between our sense of loss and acceptance. We are able to see the value in ourselves and in the world around us. With clear illumination we are able to perceive our higher purpose and seek a higher standard. Imbalances in the Metal element may lead to an over-valuation of material objects, a need to fill the empty space where our internal sense of value should reside. We lose our sense of a higher purpose and get lost in “what could have been”. Our ability to grieve appropriately changes, either becoming excessive and out of proportion, or non-existent. We start to close ourselves off. We may also lose the ability to let go or eliminate that which we no longer need. Constipation of the spirit and the emotions occurs just as it does in the physical body when we hold on to objects and emotions. The treasures of life are not measured in material things. A true sense of value comes from within. 👁 #chinesemedicine

Allikas: NewEarth Mama

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