Sunday, July 2, 2017


"It is difficult to realize deep truths of life and to understand their importance and relevance to our current situation, but to also see the disinterest/ignorance others have when spoken to about these truths, especially when the lack of awareness exists in your family and close friends. I have struggled with this in the past, especially when I first discovered some of life's beautiful mysteries. My inability to relate to my peers was challenging, but it also inspired me to create this account, to spread awareness and to express myself to those who share interest. Over the years I have come to realize that you can't force people to see or understand anything. Even though it is hurtful to see those you love suffer from their ignorance, we have to respect the fact that individuals are on their own journey, and that they will come to realize the truth when they are ready for it. We can't force people to change, nor should we try to, for we cannot be certain that what is best and true for us is also best and true for them. We can however, have compassion for others, and treat them with kindness, planting little seeds of love and knowledge whenever the opportunity arises. We never know the exact circumstances of others' lives, and if we were in their circumstances it is likely that we would operate from their same level of understanding. Appreciate the fact that you have awoken to a greater reality, and respect the experience of others. It helps to remember that there was a time when you too were unaware of the things you now know, so how can you judge someone for their ignorance when you too were once ignorant? Love and compassion are always the way, not fear and judgment. Observe within yourself the way that your mind operates. Where do your thoughts arise from? A place of love, a place of unity, a place of understanding? Or a place of ego, a place of separation, a place of judgment and desire for control? Just some thoughts in need of expression... Thank you for reading. I love you!"

By Joseph P. Kauffman
Author of "The Answer is YOU"

Allikas: Instagram / conscious_collective

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