Saturday, November 7, 2015

About mindfulness

 Pause between actions
When something happens such as you hear the buzz of your phone you need not rush to it.  Instead try mindfully observing the pauses between tasks.  When your nose itches observe the itch, observe the desire to scratch the itch.  Such a silly thing desire is.  It is neither bad nor good, it just is.  How curious.
Use these pauses to slow down, recenter, mindfully and consciously move from task to task instead of getting whisked away by the business of life. Pausing can take but a second.  No one needs to notice that you are doing it.  Just breathe and observe why you are about to do that next thing.
This practice specifically will help you to think before you react, breathe before you speak, and recenter before you act.  This can be priceless when dealing with difficult situations.


Even if the present moment is uncomfortable I have found that the quickest way to find peace is to fully accept it and be present with it.   

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