Saturday, February 15, 2020

Tagasi endasse

"As human beings, our existence is completely dependent upon plants. We breathe the oxygen that they produce, we eat them for nourishment (or eat the animals that are nourished by plants), we use them as medicine, fiber and fuel (even fossil fuel is the byproduct of ancient plants decomposed over long periods of time), we derive much of our sense of beauty from them, and we could not live without them.
Yet, in our modern culture, there doesn’t seem to be much appreciation for plants and our interdependence with them.

Children are hardly taught about them in school (if at all), most adults do not know much about them, the average person seems to show little consideration for them, our incomplete scientific paradigm sees them as unintelligent, the dominant religious paradigm states they were created just to serve us, and they are generally not respected as the living beings and wise teachers they are.

This lack of consideration for the plant kingdom/queendom (and others) reflects our cultures sense of separation from the natural world.

I think one of the essential needs of our time is a reawakening of our shared connection with plants, and a rediscovery of how to live with them and integrate them as a part of our daily awareness and living.
I don’t think this needs to happen by studying plants botanically, learning the Latin names and classifications of plants (though it is an interesting science). Nor do I think it should be done chemically, studying the various biochemicals of plants and how they effect the body (though it is also interesting).
Really, I don’t think the intellect is essential at all in this rediscovery, or at least not nearly as important, as it is for us to awaken our hearts to the living world of nature.

All biological organisms generate an electromagnetic field, and the heart generates the largest field of all. The heart is also an organ of perception, that allows us to intuitively gather information from other fields (including those of plants).

To awaken to our hearts ability to perceive the intelligence in nature, we first need to quiet our minds and awaken to our own hearts.
The plants can also help us do this.

Spend time alone in nature, sit with a plant, and gradually you will receive its wisdom. Not through words or some intellectual discourse, but through feeling, vibration and sensation.
I feel it is essential for us to bring plants back into our consciousness and to understand our relationship with them.

Essentially, we must realize we are interconnected with the world of nature, and we must learn how to live with the landscape that we are a part of.

Cultivating a genuine relationship with the land will heal our sense of separateness and disconnection, and will help us see, in a direct and tangible way, that we are both parts of a greater Whole, and the Whole expressed as unique parts."

Allikas: Instagram @ josephpkauffman

Njah, kurb, kui inimest, kes on ise ka loodus, peab meelitama "tagasi loodusesse".

Lugesin just 'üht lahedat hiinlast', kes märkis, et inimene koondub raske ja lihtsa elu juurest maalt linnadesse, ja need, kes linnas lõpuks rikkaks saavad, ostavad endale maamaja, et luksusena vahepealgi taas maal, "juurte juures" elada, sest linn on inimvaenulik koht, kus pole rahu ega "connection'it". Hõmm! Jaaa. See raamat läks esimest korda trükki aastal 1937! :D

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