Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Kui armas! :)

After a selfie request, they piled up like good roommates do and gave me that image. They were getting ready to perform a dance, outside.…

Allikas: Instagram paleyphoto


"After a selfie request, they piled up like good roommates do and gave me that image. 

They were getting ready to perform a dance, outside. 

«Monk is the best, I have no stress, I am fed, I have friends, no girlfriend headache, I can flirt on my mobile and when I go to town people respect me ». 

The fun and kindness was palpable, I wasn’t sure about the extend of the spiritual commitment." 

Gasa monastery, Bhutan.

Kuigi pole mõtet kasvatada kloostris tavalisi tänavapoisse lihtsalt selleks, et rituaalsed tantsud saaksid tantsitud ///ee, jah, see oli nali - ma igaks juhuks ütlen///, võib see poiste endi jaoks olla ikka parem kui elu kodus või tänaval.

Kloostrile see küll midagi juurde ei anna, aga ... inimesed on tähtsad, mitte kloostrid ;)

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