We are immediately given the rules of society, our parents, our friends and family, they too were indoctrinated in a very similar manner, and have likely chosen the agreements that mesh properly with the status quo.
Rewards and punishments serve as our guidelines as to what is acceptable and unacceptable, we learn early on, to receive amiable attention from our parental figures we must adhere to their protocols, lest we receive our dreaded punishment, the withdrawal of such attention.
Thus begins the cycle of people pleasing, attention seeking, approval gathering, and the corresponding inner mechanisms that begin to color our own worldview, and our internal, 'Book of Law,' formed of the various agreements we've accepted over time.
We begin to internalize rules for our own self approval, believing when we are rejected by others, it is because of our own lack of intrinsic value, our self worth is lacking we presume. We seek to conform to the status quo to receive it's approval and nourishment given to us in our youth, and by this time we no longer need parents to enforce validation thru acceptance and rejection, we have agreed to it, and it lives in our own inner framework in which we now judge ourselves.
And so we put on masks, and we create an ideal of a personality that meshes perfectly with the status quo, we attempt to conform to the cultural narrative, regardless of how dissonant it is with our actual natural beingness. And in the pursuit of an unnatural, and quite impossible ideal we judge and berate ourselves and others for their lack of conformity in our imposed dream.
Autor @TheHomieSMO
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