"Slow moments are when we get to practice what we have learned, when we get to see the strength of our patience, when we can measure our commitment to our goals and examine if our happiness is too dependent on their completion.
Slow moments are when we get to see how much more we need to grow to be fully comfortable in the present moment. When things move slower than what we normally prefer, we get to see clearly the cravings that cause us misery.
Like difficult fast moving moments, slow moments are when we are most open to big leaps of growth, they show us what areas of our being needs healing.
Sending love to all beings. May we all be happy and free. 🙏🏽🌎"
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Ehk on meil midagi seedida, millegi kallal haududa?
Meil hakkab kergem, kui lubame endal vahepeal puntras kinni olla.
See läheb alati mööda.
Oi see on nii hirmus täppi, et kohe ei teagi mida kosta. Olen enda puhul märganud, et kõrgelt häiritud seisundis on mul tunne/veendumus, et vot nüüd küll ei lähe valu mööda ja kindel mats, et kõht valutab/hirm jääb nüüd ja igavesti-aamen, surmatunnini välja ning leevenduse kontsept pudeneb olematusesse... Õnneks see päris nii hullusti siiski polegi :)
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