"Love is the eternal unmoving Essence, energetically expressing itself in and through impermanent form. We are Love, You are Love, I AM Love incarnate. If however, you believe Hollywood's version of love, which is nothing more than infatuation followed by partnership, you will mistakenly assume that love has just as many 'ifs and buts' as does a Hollywood prenup. This is NOT love, this is self-preservation and manipulation disguised as romance. The modern cultural concept of love is more like the chains and whips of slavery than it is the romance displayed on your television. Insecurity and fear flow from belief of a seperate self. The illusion that is duality has caused us to fear what should be celebrated, to need and want, instead of enjoy. Listen carefully, LOVE makes NO damands, it isn't AFRAID, and will never say, I love you unless/but. It energetically gives itself to all. For those in relationships, Love openly and freely. Only in fear does one place demands upon the object of its affection. This is not LOVE, for perfect Love casts out all fear!❤"Allikas: Instagram @
Tõsi küll, lihtsalt ... inimestel on vaja rohkem (kasvõi näilist) turvatunnet, kui vaba armastus pakub.
Armastus võib olla tingimusteta, kuid suhe eeldab tingimusi ja kokkuleppeid, eriti kui saabuvad lapsed.
Põhimõtteliselt tähendab see, et kui inimesel on soov tingimusteta armastuse järele, ei saa ta suhet vajada. Kuid ma kardan, et see pole eriti sage, et kokku saavad kaks rõõmsat vaba hinge, kes soovivad vabaks jäädagi, ei astu suhtesse vaid lihtsalt suhtlevad, kuna see on vahva! Aga vahel ikka juhtub! :)
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