Friday, May 10, 2019

You are enough

This was a lesson I had to learn the hard way. I did not know how far away I was from myself until I started looking inward with as much…

"This was a lesson I had to learn the hard way. I did not know how far away I was from myself until I started looking inward with as much honesty as I could gather. I had many relationships that were filled with fights and discontent, and in part this was my doing, because I was disconnected from myself in a way that forced me to create layers instead of coming forward with truthful vulnerability. I did not know that these layers created friction between me and other people, I did not know that these layers increased my burdens and moved me further away from myself and others, I did not know that there is a softness that comes with honesty and authenticity that allows two people to connect deeply."

Allikas: Instagram @ yung_pueblo

Ja veel üks põnev asi: kui oleme endale täiesti lähedal, siis oleme kohe ka teistele täiesti lähedal.
Suhtleme ilma suhteta.
Kõik on olemas, millestki pole puudust.

See paneb mind mõtlema, et kõigis asjades, mida me otsime, otsime me lähedust iseendaga.

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