Friday, May 17, 2019


Allikas: Instagram @ sacred.authenticity

"The only person responsible for your happiness and emotional balance is yourself. The only person you are responsible for is also only yourself. There is nothing or nobody that COULD or SHOULD take care of it instead, not a child, not a parent, not a partner or a friend. You gotta grow up and take charge of your own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. And if that means burning some bridges, I encourage you to burn them all.
Be very careful who are you selling your prana to. Be very careful who do you feel responsible for. Be very careful who makes you feel guilty. Be very careful who makes you feel like a bad person for feeling the way you feel.
Every single emotion you experience is valid, real and deserves to be honored. Again, your emotions are your environmental feedback. If you don't acknowledge, respect and express them, you lead yourself down a path of physical and mental health illness. Life is too short to live in a lie, live is too short to live in denial, live is too short to live with anger, hate, fear and guilt.
Choose yourself. Choose happiness. Choose freedom. Choose higher vibrations. Choose love. Choose self-love."

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