Thursday, May 2, 2019

Piiride tõmbamine

"Boundaries are very fascinating to learn about. Almost everyone sucks at having them. We don't generally communicate them. And then we get pissed, hurt and resentful when people don't honour the boundaries we haven't set and/or enforced. Really we're actually just pissed at ourselves, because the people around us remind us that we don't prioritize ourselves, our needs, and our feelings.

See how backwards that is? If you live in a world where no one honours your boundaries and your needs, it's because you don't. If the people around you get away with dancing over the lines you've drawn, then the lines were just suggestions.

It's up to you to preserve yourself, your heart, and your wholeness. That's what boundaries do, they make us "whole". So the next time you get upset with someone else who's crossed a line and repeated the same behaviour, look for how you've repeated the same enabling tactics. Look for how you can shift. When you shift, they are *forced to shift to stay in your life.

Boundaries have this beautiful symbiotic relationship: They communicate to others that you have a high level of self worth, and at the exact same time, when you set and honour those boundaries, you communicate the same to yourself. If you want to feel like you're enough, you gotta act like it."

MARK GROVES @ createthelove

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