Sunday, June 30, 2019
Friday, June 28, 2019
Ära ägestu

Allikas: Instagram @ mystics_truth
"If you're angry, know that you are stupid."
- Sadhguru
No mitu kuud mõlgub meeles :D - iga vihajutu kõrvale kohe ilmub ... :)
Nii muljetavaldavalt lihtsalt kokku võetud. <3
Vähem pingulolekut, rohkem pehmust

... ja elu muudkui läheb paremaks, kergemaks, õigemaks.
Need asjad, mida saame teha vaid pingutades, oleks kasulikum tegemata jätta.
Oleks kasulikum kasvõi "ära surra".
Hapu süda ja kibe meel on väga head, sest ei lase meil unustada, et elame enda jaoks sobimatut elu.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Huvitav vaatepunkt

"Dear Ones: I just spent a beautiful two days at the International Women’s Summit, in Arizona. I had the delight and honor of sharing the stage yesterday with my friend and sister @cherylstrayed, who never fails to bring the GOODS in conversation. She and I were talking about the criticism that we have each received for having left our marriages and for having set out in the world on journeys of solo exploration. Of course we have been called selfish. Naturally we were accused of being irresponsible, losers, failures as wives and women, greedy and lustful, etc., etc. But one of the most universal criticisms (what everyone agreed on) was that both Cheryl and I had run away from our lives. Because there is (still!! ) only one version of female life that is considered appropriate, respectable, and solid. And that is: married, in a home. Preferably with children. (If you don’t have them, it had better be because you CAN’T. All other reasons are unacceptable.) But yesterday on stage, Cheryl spoke these simple words, as a rejoinder to all the criticism: “I didn’t run away from my life. I went deeper into it.” Women, listen: you are allowed to do this. No matter what they say, no matter what the shape of your journey may be (literal, spiritual, emotional, intellectual) you are allowed to move ever deeper into your life. The operative word here is that it is YOURS. It’s yours. It’s yours. It’s yours. Your life is yours. It belongs to you. Your life is not theirs. It does not belong to them. You are not required to check in with the agents and guardians of CCC (Cultural Central Command) before you decide what you need to do with your life. It’s yours. Move deeper in. I love you. Onward, ❤️" LG
Allikas: Instagram @ elizabeth_gilbert_writer
Hmm. Kas me saame kunagi oma kohustuste eest ära joosta?
Kui me neid ei taha, siis äkki need polegi "meie" kohustused.
Väga huvitav vaatepunkt igatahes.

Vihastumiseks on vaja tajuda, et oleme ohus.
Sellepärast on viha alati nõrkuse väljendus.
Kõigile oleks parem, kui inimesed vihastudes kenasti välja ütlesid, et ei saa hakkama enam olukorraga. Pehmelt saab alati paremini :)

Jah, see on väga huvitav, et me ei saa ennast muuta, kui me ennast hukka mõistame.
Peame leppima, et meil on see-mingi halb omadus ... ja siis see kas muutub pehmelt ise, või me elame leplikult koos sellega edasi :) Midagi muutub alati :)
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Relax and float

“If you cannot trust yourself, you cannot even trust your mistrust of yourself - so that without this underlying trust in the whole system of nature you are simply paralyzed.”
~Alan Watts
Allikas: Instagram @ conscious_collective
Naera herneks!

Rõõmu ikka tuleb taga ajada, sest selleta pole erilist arengut.
Kurnatuna on meil raske rõõmus olla.
Seega on vaja lihtsalt ennast armastada ja igati oma elu liigsest tühjendada.
Tühjus ja vaikus on hea.
Nende abil näeme selgelt, et kõik õnneks ja armastuseks vajalik on meis endas olemas.
Selle leidmiseks ei tule mitte veel mõnda uut praktikat proovida vaid lihtsalt ennast vaikuse ja rahuga kosutada.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Totally rightly

"Parents sacrifice their lives for their children. The children again in their turn will sacrifice their lives for their children, and so on and so forth. And nobody will ever live." Osho
Allikas: Instagram @ oshointernational
Mina ka.
Olen vastu.
Sellele ülemisele otsale.
Ja nõus alumisega :D

“I am often asked if I believe in God and I reply ‘I don’t believe in anything but God’. It’s all God. We are all God. There is only God. God is not some distant figure somewhere in the sky. God is my own deepest nature and yours too. We are God playing a game of hide and seek. Pretending to be separate individuals and then awakening to our deeper nature, so that we realize something extraordinary. Essentially there is one of us. How exquisite!”
~Tim Freke
Allikas: Instagram @ conscious_collective
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Kohv ja 'makaronid'

Väiku vaatas mingit animet ja seal ütles poiss tüdrukule: "Kui me siit pääseme, siis ma viin su "makarone" sööma." See tundus talle kõige maitsetum ettepanek üldse. Läks veidi aega, enne kui ta aru sai, et jutt käis makroonidest (macaroons).
Ära mõtle, kohe karga sisse

Allikas: Instagram @ oshointernational
See on julge inimese vabadus :)
Kes vajab koosminemist, ei saa nii teha.
Aga on õnn saada :D
Majakene mere ääres

Vaat sellises elaks ka suviti.
Sügisel ja talvel tahaks pigem metsa kui merd.
Kõige rohkem tahaks mägedes elada :)
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Friday, June 21, 2019
Lõplik ja põhjalik

Allikas: Instagram @ conscious_collective
“When I understand myself, I understand you, and out of that understanding comes love. Love is the missing factor; there is a lack of affection, of warmth in relationship; and because we lack that love, that tenderness, that generosity, that mercy in relationship, we escape into mass action which produces further confusion, further misery. We fill our hearts with blueprints for world reform and do not look to that one resolving factor which is love.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti
~Jiddu Krishnamurti

Allikas: Instagram @ love_your_fuckin_life
Mul ehk kusagil kaugemal tuleb ka see tsitaat ette, aga üks sellist mõtet väljendav oli umbes: mis iganes juhtub, usu, et see oli sinu kasuks.
Sest see on!

Allikas: Instagram @ josephpkauffman
Kui keegi ütleb midagi üksikemade kohta ja me läheme närvi, siis me samastume.
Kui keegi ütleb midagi abordi kohta ja me läheme närvi, siis me samastume.
Samastumine pole küps.
Subjektiivsed tõed on osa objektiivsest tõest.
Kõigel on koht.
Sina lihtsalt OLE. Be you, be true.
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