"Our desperation for other people's validation arises from our invalidation of ourselves. Once we have validated ourselves, the opinion of the masses begins to become irrelevant.
A lot of people ask me how they can continue on their path when there is invalidation from other people, the answer is by employing self-validation. And how do we get there? By understanding that we, in our truth, are beautiful, unique and deserving; through a process of self-acceptance.
We all have aspects of us which we don't like or approve of. And once we have that kind of judgement with one of our aspect that it is something we don't like, our mind will reinforce it much strongly. Our energies will go into that aspect but it will impact it negatively. And as that aspect is, essentially, a part of us – we are the one who would be negatively impacted. That impact is what is known as shame.
Shame has it's applications. But if you use it as a filter through which you look at life, you'd be setting yourself up, by default, for failure. It is time that we learn to objectively look at all kinds of our aspects as parts of ourselves; and not as our enemies, and in a way that we are able to look at both sides of it.
The next step of course is that we must learn to accept the reality of this moment. We have to become honest within ourselves about who we are, how things are, how life is, how everything is.
When we talk about personal boundaries, essentially we are talking about personal clarity. Personal clarity means that you know who you are – and what other people think or say or do is irrelavant to your experience of life. You have started to see the truth that you are your own universe, and you don't need anyone's approval.
So, don't push yourself into a self-depracating abyss. Instead, raise yourself towards a self-fulfilling experience of life. How to do that? Be honest with yourself. Live your truth. Accept yourself totally; the good, the bad and the in-between. You are fulfilled only by self-love. So, practice it.
May we all heal. May we all be free. May we all be ourselves. đ❤"
Autor: alamir @
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