"Control and love are not friends. They don't hang out. They don't text or call each other... They are at odds at all times.
But regardless of this truth, we often try to control connection don't we?! To make it feel safe so that there is an element of certainty when we share our hearts. We want to know that, if we open up, we'll be guaranteed it'll all work out... Or not. Either way we can take the proper precautions to get to the expected outcome, whatever that may be.
It's interesting how the human heart navigates this predicament. We all want love and connection, yet we often hold back parts of ourselves because of two things - (1) We don't think some of those parts are lovable... And/or (2) What's the point of sharing all of me? The relationship is likely to not work out anyways.
Intellectually this logic makes sense, but in the context of relationships and the desire for our soul to be free, it makes it so we never feel fully loved for being ourselves... And, we never give relationships a chance.
The thing is, there is an element of trust and letting go that is simultaneously required when it comes to love... Slowly putting our toes over the edge of the cliff, and then inviting our partner to join us. We may take many turns being the first to jump, but it doesn't matter who goes first, it's that we both take the leap."
Mark Groves @
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