The centuries old Arti (prayer) to worship Shiva being performed at the Venkitta Thevar Shiva Temple in Kottakal, Kerala in India. The temple is said to be a 1000 years old.
If you open yourself to the vibrations of the temple, you can almost sense the 1000 years of Devotees that opened their hearts out to Shiva in absolute reverence.
The attempt to take yourself away from living in the mudane. To go deep inside yourself to find that which is magical, which is eternal. Which is mythic.
In order to do that, you must let go of your individuality. It's not just 'who am I' .. Which in itself is quite a journey, but to come to the point where you experience 'I am not' where the burden of your individuality is released. It's an intellectual thought, yes. But it must be experienced more than intellectually understood.
We have all experienced it at times. That loss of individuality. At the most intimate and exquisite moments of sexuality. Where you are lost. But also at moments of external fear. It also explains the addiction to extreme sports. Where at one time you have abandoned your self to uncertainty and possibility of death. Of not being.
Or at moments of extreme creativity. Where you abandon yourself to the larger creative imagination of the universe. And for just that one moment, you do not exist. You have willingly abandoned yourself to the eternal ..
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