Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Emotsioonid toovad tõeni

853 Likes, 16 Comments - alamir (@spiritbyalamir) on Instagram: “Your emotions are gateways to awareness. By knowing them, you become aware of truth. By embracing…”

Your emotions are gateways to awareness. 
By knowing them, you become aware of truth. 
By embracing them, you become the truth. ❤

Pilt ja tekst: Instagram / SpiritByAlamir


28 Likes, 2 Comments - STUDENT OF LOVE AND LIFE (@masterofloveandlife) on Instagram: “#shamanic #weavings  Did you know? The lines on every #weaving actually represent the lyrics of an…”

Pildi autor Instagramikontolt MasterOfLoveAndLight on pilti kirjeldanud järgmiselt:

#shamanic #weavings
Did you know? The lines on every weaving actually represent the lyrics of an Ikaros -- an ancient healing song. Matilda in the picture could just sing this weaving by following the lines with her hands 🎶 #ancientwisdom #amazon #peru

"Tegele oma asjadega" spirituaalses võtmes

2,585 Likes, 33 Comments - Conscious 🌐 Collective (@conscious_collective) on Instagram: ““Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” ~Ramana Maharshi”

Kulda, viirukit ja mürri

480 Likes, 19 Comments - Spiritual Home (@spiritual_home) on Instagram: “Meditation Space ________________________________  #meditation #incense #saltlamp #buddha #candle”

Allikas: Instagram / spiritual_home

Saturday, February 24, 2018

So you don't get it ...

Favorite quotes from spiritual teacher and highly-attuned empathic healer Matt Kahn.

Kui sa ei oska oma minevikuvalu armastada,
siis armasta ihust ja hingest seda, 
kes nendest kogemustest välja tuli.

Päike võib kuused roosaks värvida

Tema juba oskab! :)

483 Likes, 6 Comments - World is your home! (@around.whole.world) on Instagram: “Очень красивый кадр!”

Allikas: Instagram / around.whole.world


Everything will line up perfectly 
when knowing and living the truth becomes more important than looking good. 

- Alan Cohen

Lihtsalt tee, mis sa oled ja unusta teiste inimeste võimalik kriitika.
Ajapikku näed, et mingit olulist kriitikat ei hakkagi kusagilt tulema.
Lihtsalt aus ja usaldav tuleb olla enda ja teiste vastu.
Hoian pöialt! :)


Sinine on poolte inimeste lemmikvärv :)

Фотограф Kristina Makeeva

Allikas: Instagram / around.whole.world
Fotograaf: Kristina Makeeva

Friday, February 23, 2018


1,918 Likes, 26 Comments - Matthieu Ricard (@matthieu_ricard) on Instagram: “[Thought of the week]  The sound of thunder, although deafening, is harmless; The rainbow, despite…”

Oleksin ka kangesti rahul, kui saaksin hommikuti sellises kohas mediteerida :D
Kõrgused millegipärast sisendavad ülevust...
Ei pea mediteerimagi, hing juba hõiskab!

Allikas: Instagram / Matthieu Ricard

Just sayin'

Meil pole tegelikult vaja, et asjad meie tahtmist mööda kujuneksid.
Kui julgeme tõel ja tegelikkusel ilmneda lasta, muutub elu palju värvilisemaks ja rõõmsamaks, kui see oli ajal, mil püüdsime asju kontrolli all hoida.

The lonely mountain

47.7k Likes, 195 Comments - EARTHOFFICIAL (@earthofficial) on Instagram: “Mt. Fuji, Yamanashi, Japan | Photography by © Stijn Dijkstra (@furstset) #earthofficial”

Allikas: Instagram / earthofficial
  • Mt. Fuji, Yamanashi, Japan | Photography by © Stijn Dijkstra (@furstset

Thursday, February 22, 2018


4,335 Likes, 84 Comments - Nate (@zeadsdead) on Instagram: “🌈Good afternoon🌈 Here is a beautiful assortment of some crystals to brighten up your day! Also a…”

Allikas: Instagram / zeadsdead

You are already a masterpiece

348 Likes, 9 Comments - YOU ARE CREATOR (@spiritual_conscious1) on Instagram: “YOU ARE ALREADY A MASTERPIECE💖🌹♥🙏🌀☮✌🔥🎇🌸🌠🌅☀🌜💝🎆😘🌀♥ . . #quoteoftheday #lifequotes #motivationalquotes…”

Meis pole mitte midagi puudu,
aga hästi palju on ülearust.
Kui see 'maha jätta', siis oledki 'hopsti' täiuslik valmis
ja see ei tähenda vee peal kõndimist ja pühak olemist.
Meil on inimlik rada käia -
tõusud ja mõõnad kuuluvad inimelu juurde.

Sinine Buddha

2,598 Likes, 12 Comments - Buddhism (@buddhism__) on Instagram: “#spiritual #faith #faithful #yoga #pray #prayers #buddhism #believe #coexist #spirituality #calm…”


“If you inherently long for something, become it first. If you want gardens, become the gardener. If you want love, embody love. If you want mental stimulation, change the conversation. If you want peace, exude calmness. If you want to fill your world with artists, begin to paint. If you want to be valued, respect your own time. If you want to live ecstatically, find the ecstasy within yourself. This is how to draw it in, day by day, inch by inch.” 
― Victoria Erickson

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Wow... that's really an eye opener

Paljude minu tuttavate jaoks on elu nagu võitlus,
kogu aeg käib hirmus vehkimine, et elule mitte alla jääda ...
Ma ei arva, et elu on loodud olema vaevaline, kuigi Piiblis on nii öeldud :)
Õnnelikuks eluks on vaja leplikkust ja usaldust.
Kui su esimene hool on jääda iseendaks, siis avastad, et polegi eriti tähtis, mis juhtub.
Lots of love! :)


136 Likes, 3 Comments - Buddha Images (@snow_leopard_999) on Instagram: “"In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own…”

Allikas: Instagram / snow_leopard_999
(foto autorit pole)

Heart and mind

4,920 Likes, 26 Comments - Conscious 🌐 Collective (@conscious_collective) on Instagram: ““A pure Heart open to the light, will be filled with the very essence of Truth.” ~Rumi • #Love”

Allikas: Instagram / conscious_collective

Tee endale tee-tempel

658 Likes, 15 Comments - Prism of Threads (@prismofthreads) on Instagram: “Radiant light of the tea temple with @allmattersofspirit @jess_lynne_karr @naamers! 🍵🕊 .…”

Allikas: Instagram / prismofthreads

Monday, February 19, 2018


Matt Kahn Quotes http://www.practical-personal-development-advice.com/matt-kahn-quotes.html


66.4k Likes, 456 Comments - EARTH FOCUS (@earthfocus) on Instagram: “Sunrise twilight on the shore of Lake Michigan, in Racine, Wisconsin. #USA Photo by @Kochphil…”

Allikas: Instagram / Earth Focus

Sunrise twilight on the shore of Lake Michigan, in Racine, Wisconsin. USA
Photo by @Kochphil

Lose control

3,326 Likes, 37 Comments - Conscious 🌐 Collective (@conscious_collective) on Instagram: “"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow.…”

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. 
Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. 
Let reality be reality. 
Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."
~Lao Tzu

Allikas: Instagram / conscious_collective


59.9k Likes, 320 Comments - EARTH FOCUS (@earthfocus) on Instagram: “Ice sculptures on branches around Lagoda Lake, #Russia. ❄️ Photo by @Fedorlashkov Explore. Share.…”

Allikas: Instagram / Earth Focus

Ice sculptures on branches around Lagoda Lake, #Russia. ❄️
Photo by @Fedorlashkov

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Relax and allow

2,286 Likes, 18 Comments - Conscious 🌐 Collective (@conscious_collective) on Instagram: “"But you cannot understand life and its mysteries as long as you try to grasp it. Indeed, you…”

Joy to the world

6,301 Likes, 41 Comments - India Clicks (@india.clicks) on Instagram: “Photo by : @gmbakash . 📍 INDIA . Keep hashtagging us at #indiaclicks . Team @india.clicks . #india…”

Allikas: Instagram /  GMB Akash

Vali rõõm ja muu tuleb ise

Joy is not the result of getting what you want; 
it is the way to get what you want. 
In the deepest sense, joy is what you want. 

- Alan Cohen


Need kuus kristalli,
need kuus kristalli,
need kuus kristalli iga päev.
Ma joon kristalli,
ma söön kristalli -
need kuus kristalli väga hääd!