Thursday, May 25, 2017

Peace of Mind




There is a simple way to become buddha:
When you refrain from unwholesome actions,
are not attached to birth and death, and are compassionate toward all sentient beings,
respectful to seniors and kind to juniors,
not excluding or desiring anything,
with no designing thoughts or worries,
you will be called a buddha.
Do not seek anything else. 

- Dogen Zenji 

Allikas: Instagram / dorjephuntsok

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Allikas: Instagram / vincentcroce


Teistel inimestel on sinuga oma kavatsused :D
Neile on kasulik, kui sa oled ärev ja püüad neid teenida, heastada oma puudusi ja võlgu nende ees.

Teiste suhtumine huvitagu vaid neid endid. Ära lase end kõigutada. Sul on täielik õigus minna endale sobivat teed ja olla see, kes sa oled.


Allikas: Instagram / thesacredchrystal