Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Tselestiit / inglikivi

Celestite // angelic : high vibin' : pure : reduces anxiety : powerful : brings insight : expands the mind : balanced

Allikas: Instagram / TheIndigoReign

Monday, May 23, 2016

Õhukesed kohad...

One Irish legend goes that at any given point in time, the veil between Heaven and Earth is three feet wide. The legend goes on to say that there are physical mystical places and personal experiences we go through where that veil is thinned and the holy becomes ordinary and the ordinary becomes holy. These places are called Caol Áit, or "thin places" ..

Thursday, May 5, 2016


"The transformation comes from relaxing into the stillness, and letting everything be exactly as it is." 

Allikas: Highervibes2012 


“It is the most beautiful moment in one’s life when there is neither confusion nor certainty. One simply is — a mirror reflecting that which is. With no direction to go anywhere, with no idea of doing something, with no future – just utterly in the moment, tremendously in the moment.” 


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Mari Metsallik / Tsitaat

"Kui oleme rahutud, on meis valguse puudus ja see tähendab, et meie mõtted ei ole piisavalt puhtad.  Ärge laske elu mööda voolata, kuna ajate taga suurt vaimsust ja õnne. Unustage see hoopis ära ja keskenduge hetkes siin ja praegu headuse ja helluse jagamisele. Te märkate, et vaimne areng on iseeneslik ja loomulik ja järgneb teile ise, teda ei pea taga ajama. Me tunneme piinavat igatsust vaimse arengu järele ainult siis, kui seda ei toimu."
Nii ongi.

Tsitaat SIIT.